All Questions

  1. If you were a “single issue voter,” what would the single issue be?
  2. Which of you is more likely to miss a flight?
  3. You have $10m USD but you can only buy things that start with the first letter of your name. What do you buy?
  4. How athletic are you on a scale of 1-10?
  5. What do you enjoy spending money on? What is the most painful thing for you to spend money on?
  6. What is the smallest thing for which you are grateful?
  7. What was an early impression you had to me that is still true now that you know me better?
  8. What do you think would shock the younger you the most about the older you?
  9. What is your best trivia category?
  10. What celebrity do you think you would be the closest friends with?
  11. What is one thing you’re good at that people don’t expect?
  12. Of all your friends, who is suffering from the dumbest problem?
  13. How good of a dancer are you on a scale of 1-10?
  14. How do you think you will be similar to your parents in raising a family?
  15. Do you think you would perform better than average or worse than the average person in the Hunger Games?
  16. How aligned are you with your parents politically?
  17. Which household chore do you hate the most? Which do you like the most?
  18. What do you like most about your family?
  19. Who is the individual who has the most different political views from you that you still deeply respect?
  20. What about growing up is harder for a girl than a boy?
  21. What is your favorite commercial?
  22. Would you rather have the ability to see ten minutes in the future or 150 years in the future?
  23. Generally speaking, which of you is more social?
  24. Would you rather be rich with no friends or poor and popular?
  25. What career advice would you give to your younger self?
  26. How has your opinion of your family changed over the years?
  27. At a party, where can someone find you?
  28. If you could travel to the past and change one event, what would you choose to do?
  29. What moment do you wish you could relive and even change?
  30. Where do you need to be thinking bigger?