All Questions

  1. Let the group post an Instagram story from your account.
  2. If you were to be reincarnated, what do you think you would come back as?
  3. How are you the most similar to your parents when it comes to health? How are you the most different from your parents?
  4. How did birth order affect your family’s dynamic?
  5. What is your favorite app?
  6. What should be taught in schools but isn’t?
  7. Imagine that you could choose when and how you die. At what age would you like to die (no maximum here) and how would you like to go?
  8. Have you ever been told that you have a doppelgänger? If so, who is it?
  9. When and where do you get your best ideas?
  10. What family member would you say you are closest to?
  11. Can you remember the last time your partner appeared in a dream?
  12. Never have I ever snooped on a significant other’s phone.
  13. Never have I ever kissed someone in a bar.
  14. Never have I ever lived alone.
  15. Never have I ever forgotten a dating anniversary.
  16. Never have I ever gotten busy in a car.
  17. Never have I ever been blackout drunk.
  18. Never have I ever auditioned for a reality TV show.
  19. Which of you is more romantic?
  20. What are the best reasons to get married?
  21. If you could snap your fingers and everyone would call you by a nickname, what would it be?
  22. Do you wash your legs in the shower?
  23. If you could enhance one spiritual attribute in yourself which would you choose?
  24. How reliable are you on a scale of 1-10?
  25. What is your most attractive physical feature?
  26. What is something you remember from the first time we kissed?
  27. Do you feel like you are better than average at dealing with needy people in your life?
  28. What is the most ridiculous thing you believed as a child?
  29. What’s a brief summary of your outlook on life?
  30. Would you rather have a child every year for 20 years or never have any children at all?