Conversation Questions about Politics

It’s sometimes difficult to discuss politics with close friends and family.

While we are all constantly evolving when it comes to our thoughts around politics, it can sometimes feel like we are growing farther and farther apart from those around us. We created this list of interesting political questions to help facilitate open and honest conversations about people’s views and beliefs with the goal of better understanding one another and ourselves in our political spheres.

  1. What conspiracy theory if true would shock you the most?
  2. Is there a historical event that you lived through that is now a core memory for you?
  3. If you could make one unilateral change to your country’s constitution, what would you opt to do?
  4. Are there any political issues that you would say trigger you?
  5. What do you think that members of all political parties have most in common?
  6. If you could snap your fingers and instantly make the world better, what would you do?
  7. Where do your beliefs come from? Family? Church? Work?
  8. Have you ever missed voting for a presidential election?
  9. What movement inspires you most?
  10. What three groups or causes do you most identify with?
  11. What are some of the key words or phrases that divide us?
  12. What are some of the key words or phrases that unite us?
  13. What percentage of politicians do you think are corrupt? How far do you think that corruption goes?