Would You Rather Questions
The internet is full of would you rather questions. We did the hard work for you and brought them all together in a single list!
Whether on a road trip or sitting around a campfire with friends, this is the perfect list of would you rather questions to divide your group (as counter-intuitive as that sounds…but you know what we mean).
As always, please upvote any questions you like!
- Would you rather have the ability to see ten minutes in the future or 150 years in the future?
- Would you rather be rich with no friends or poor and popular?
- Would you rather never eat cookies ever again or only ever drink water?
- Would you rather give up the Internet or showering for a month?
- Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future?
- Would you rather have telekinesis (the ability to move things with your mind) or telepathy (the ability to read minds)?
- Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear?
- Would you rather be in jail for five years or be in a coma for a decade?
- Would you rather be chronically under-dressed or overdressed?
- Would you rather have everyone you know be able to read your thoughts or for everyone you know to have access to your Internet history?
- Would you rather lose your sight or your memories?
- Would you rather give up air conditioning and heating for the rest of your life or give up the Internet for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather never be able to go out during the day or never be able to go out at night?
- Would you rather have a personal maid or a personal chef?
- Would you rather be 11 feet tall or nine inches tall?
- Would you rather vomit on your hero or have your hero vomit on you?
- Would you rather communicate only in emoji or never be able to text at all ever again?
- Would you rather be royalty 1,000 years ago or an average person today?
- Would you rather wear the same socks for a month or the same underwear for a week?
- Would you rather always have B.O. and not know it or always smell B.O. on everyone else?
- Would you rather watch nothing but Hallmark Christmas movies or nothing but horror movies?
- Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?
- Would you rather spend a week in the forest or a night in a real haunted house?
- Would you rather always have a full phone battery or a full gas tank?
- Would you rather lose all your teeth or lose a day of your life every time you kissed someone?
- Would you rather be forced to live the same day over and over again for a full year, or take 3 years off the end of your life?
- Would you rather never eat watermelon ever again or be forced to eat watermelon with every meal?
- Would you rather walk to work in heels or drive to work in reverse?
- Would you rather spend a year at war or a year in prison?
- Would you rather have a child every year for 20 years or never have any children at all?
- Would you rather be able to take back anything you say or hear any conversation that is about you?
- Would you rather have skin that changes color based on your emotions or tattoos appear all over your body depicting what you did yesterday?
- Would you rather hunt and butcher your own meat or never eat meat again?
- Would you rather lose all of your friends but keep your BFF or lose your BFF but keep the rest of your buds?
- Would you rather have people spread a terrible lie about you or have people spread terrible but true tales about you?
- Would you rather walk in on your parents or have them walk in on you?
- Would you rather be the absolute best at something that no one takes seriously or be average at something well respected?
- Would you rather have a third nipple or an extra toe?
- Would you rather win $25,000 or your best friend win $100,000?
- Would you rather travel the world for free for a year or have $50,000 to spend however you please?
- Would you rather have a mullet for a year or be bald (no wigs!) for six months?
- Would you rather go back to the past and meet your loved ones who passed away or go to the future to meet your children or grandchildren to be?
- Would you rather stay the age you are physically forever or stay the way you are now financially forever? (Nick: change financial one)
- Would you rather give up your cellphone for a month or bathing for a month?
- Would you rather spend a year entirely alone or a year without a home?
- Would you rather buy all used underwear or all used toothbrushes?
- Would you rather forget your partner’s birthday or your anniversary every year?
- Would you rather have to wear stilettos to sleep or have to wear slippers everywhere you go?
- Would you rather change the outcome of the last election or get to decide the outcome of the next election?
- Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?
- Would you rather be beautiful and stupid or unattractive but a genius?
- Would you rather have seven fingers on each hand or seven toes on each foot?
- Would you rather work the job you have now for a year at double your current rate of pay or have one year off with what you are making now?
- Would you rather be always stuck in traffic but find a perfect parking spot or never hit traffic but always take forever to park?
- Would you rather have super-sensitive taste buds or super-sensitive hearing?
- Would you rather eat only pizza for a year or not eat any pizza for five years?
- Would you rather be able to speak any language or be able to communicate with animals?
- Would you rather have all of your messages and photos leak publicly or never use a cellphone ever again?
- Would you rather run at 100 mph or fly at 20 mph?
- Would you rather have to wear sweatpants everywhere for the rest of your life or never wear sweatpants again?
- Would you rather have 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife or always have a knife but never be able to use spoons?
- Would you rather detect every lie you hear or get away with every lie you tell?
- Would you rather be the funniest person in a room or the smartest person in a room?
- Would you rather people knew all the details of your finances or all the details of your love life?
- Would you rather listen to your least-favorite song on a loop for a year or never listen to any music at all for three years?
- Would you rather go vegan for a month or only eat meat and dairy for a month?
- Would you rather clean up someone else’s vomit or someone else’s blood?
- Would you rather live until you are 200 and look your age or look like you’re 22 your whole life, but die at age 65?
- Would you rather give up cursing forever or give up ice cream for 12 years?
- Would you rather someone see all the photos in your phone or read all your text messages?
- Would you rather never use social media again or never watch another movie ever again?
- Would you rather never get a cold ever again or never be stuck in traffic ever again?
- (For men) Would you rather be 6’3” and average looking or 5’4” but beautiful?
- Would you rather confess to cheating on your partner or catch your partner cheating on you?
- Would you rather have all traffic lights you approach be green or never have to stand in line again?
- Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?
- Would you rather never have a wedgie or never have anything stuck in your teeth ever again?
- Would you rather marry the most attractive person you’ve ever met or the best cook you’ve ever met?
- Would you rather sing karaoke with Gwen Stefani or with Kelly Clarkson?
- Would you rather go back to kindergarten with everything you know now or know now everything your future self will learn?
- Would you rather be able to read minds or predict the future?
- Would you rather take a pill a day for nutrients and to feel full, but never eat anything again or eat whatever you want but never really feel full?
- Would you rather be an unknown superhero or an infamous villain?
- Would you rather always have an annoying song stuck in your head or always have an itch that you can’t reach?
- Would you rather never be able to keep anyone else’s secrets or have someone tell all of your secrets?
- Would you rather be Batman or Iron Man?
- Would you rather be married to someone stunning who doesn’t think you’re attractive or be married to someone ugly who thinks you’re gorgeous?
- Would you rather have a third ear or a third eye?
- Would you rather have $1 million now or $5,000 a week for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather binge-watch Sex And the City or Girls?
- Would you rather be rich working a job you hate or poor working a job you love?
- Would you rather wear real fur or fake jewels?
- Would you rather work a high-paying job that you hate or your dream job with only just enough money for rent, food and utilities?
- Would you rather wake up naked in a forest five miles from home or in your underwear at work?
- Would you rather go backstage with your favorite band or be an extra on your favorite TV show?
- Would you rather never eat your favorite food for the rest of your life or only eat your favorite food?
- Would you rather be able to erase your own memories or be able to erase someone else’s memories?
- Would you rather be so afraid of heights that you can’t go to the second floor of a building or be so afraid of the sun that you can only leave the house on rainy days?
- Would you rather have a rap battle against Nicki Minaj or Lizzo?
- Would you rather save your best friend’s life if it meant five strangers would die or save five strangers if it meant sacrificing your best friend?
- Would you rather give up coffee or soda forever?
- Would you rather find a $100 bill floating in a public toilet or a $20 bill in your own pocket?
- Would you rather wear nothing but neon orange or neon green for an entire year?
- Would you rather eat the same thing for every meal for a year or be able to eat whatever you wanted, but only once every three days?
- Would you rather get drunk off of one sip of alcohol or never get drunk no matter how much booze you imbibe?
- Would you rather sell all of your possessions or sell one of your organs?
- Would you rather clean a toilet with your toothbrush or a floor with your tongue?
- Would you rather be asked the same question over and over again or never be spoken to ever again?
- Would you rather be reincarnated as a fly or just stop existing when you die?
- Would you rather be serenaded by Justin Bieber or Justin Timberlake?
- Would you rather be unable to close any door once it’s open or be unable to open any door once it’s closed?
- Would you rather throw the best parties but have to clean up the mess by yourself or never go to a party again?
- Would you rather have a tattoo of the title of the last book you read or the last TV show you watched?
- Would you rather wear clothes that were always way too big or a couple sizes too small?
- Would you rather give your parents or your boss access to your browser history?
- Would you rather only be able to wash your hair twice a year or only be able to check your phone once a day?
- Would you rather have a tennis lesson from Serena Williams or a soccer lesson from Meghan Rapinoe?
- Would you rather have a permanent unibrow or no eyebrows at all?
- Would you rather have aliens be real and covered up by the government or have no extraterrestrial life at all in the universe?
- Would you rather be caught liking your ex’s Instagram pics or your partner’s ex’s Instagram pics?
- Would you rather donate your organs to those who need them or donate your entire body to science?
- Would you rather be criticized or be ignored?
- Would you rather work alongside Dwight Schrute or Homer Simpson?
- Would you rather be punished for a crime you didn’t commit or have someone else take credit for one of your major accomplishments?
- Would you rather eat an undercooked meal or a burnt meal?
- Would you rather get a cooking lesson from Gordon Ramsay or Ina Garten?
- Would you rather have your boss or your parents look through your text messages?
- Would you rather have your first child when you’re 18 or when you’re 50?
- Would you rather star in a Star Warsor a Marvel film?
- Would you rather wear heels to the gym or sneakers to a wedding?
- Would you rather give up brushing your hair or give us brushing your teeth?
- Would you rather master every musical instrument or every type of sport?
- Would you rather always have wet socks or a small rock in your shoe?
- Would you rather have Celine Dion or Eminem perform the soundtrack to your life?
- Would you rather be the class clown or the teacher’s pet?
- Would you rather bathe in the dishwater or wash dishes in your bathwater?
- Would you rather show up to a job interview with stained pants or pit stains?
- Would you rather never age physically or never age mentally?
- Would you rather date someone with bad breath or bad manners?
- Would you rather never wear makeup ever again or wear a full face of the wrong shades every day?
- Would you rather read the book or watch the movie?
- Would you rather have a slumber party with Anna Kendrick or go to a comedy show with Rebel Wilson?
- Would you rather eat chocolate on pizza or never eat chocolate ever again?
- Would you rather have X-ray vision of people you find unattractive or everyone else have X-ray vision of you?
- Would you rather have your own theme park or your own zoo?
- Would you rather be the star player on a losing team or warm the bench on a championship roster?
- Would you rather know when you’re going to die or how you’re going to die?
- Would you rather lose all of your teeth or all of your hair?
- Would you rather watch nothing but The Officeor Friends for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather lose your keys or your phone?
- Would you rather live in a home with no electricity or in a home with no running water?
- Would you rather look strong and be weak or look weak and be strong?
- Would you rather have your style critiqued by Anna Wintour or Miranda Priestly?
- Would you rather wear one or seven colors everyday?
- Would you rather sneeze nonstop for 15 minutes once every day or sneeze once every three minutes of the day while you’re awake?
- Would you rather walk barefoot in a public bathroom or through poison ivy?
- Would you rather have the ability to see 10 years into your own future or six months into the future of the world?
- Would you rather nobody remember who you are at your 20-year class reunion or have everybody comment on how old you look?
- Would you rather shoot hoops with LeBron James or toss a football with Tom Brady?
- Would you rather live through an episode of Orange Is The New Black or Black Mirror?
- Would you rather only be able to listen to Christmas songs all year round or only be able to watch nothing but horror movies?
- Would you rather be a genius everyone thinks is an idiot or an idiot everyone thinks is a genius?
- Would you rather win on Survivor or on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette?
- Would you rather be beloved by the general public but your family and friends hate you, or be hated by the general public but your family and friends love you?
- Would you rather be color blind or lose your sense of taste?
- Would you rather live on a desert island with your celebrity crush or in a mansion with your ex?
- Would you rather pass gas every time you meet someone new or burp every time you kiss someone?
- Would you rather have tea with Queen Elizabeth or a beer with Prince Harry?
- Would you rather get away with a terrible crime but live in fear of someone discovering it or go to prison for three years for a crime you didn’t commit?
- Would you rather be forced to live the same day over and over again for a full year or take three years off the end of your life?