Get to Know You Questions
Welcome to our “Get to Know You Questions” list, designed to spark engaging conversations and deepen connections with friends, family, and new acquaintances alike.
Whether you’re breaking the ice at a party or looking for meaningful ways to connect over dinner, these questions are crafted to uncover unique stories, shared interests, and hidden talents.
- If you woke up in the body of someone of the opposite gender, what would you be interested to find out or do?
- What is your favorite activity that doesn’t cost any money?
- What do you think would shock the younger you most about the older you?
- What is something you really resent having to pay for?
- What is your best trivia category?
- What is one thing you’re good at that people don’t expect?
- What is the smallest thing for which you are grateful?
- What do you respect most about your best friend?
- What do you think you do better than 90% of people?
- Do you feel like you are more or less memorable than the average person?
- In what ways have your political views changed the most over the years?
- What three things are you looking for (or were you looking for) in a partner?
- If you could relive one moment in your life, which would it be?
- What is something you’re terrible at but wish you could do well?
- What is something you’ve done / felt / seen / etc that you wish you could experience again for the first time?
- What fact about yourself took you the longest to understand or accept?
- How would you describe your parents’ approach to raising your family?
- What is your favorite emotional attribute you inherited from your parents? What is your favorite physical attribute you inherited from your parents?
- What family traditions do you most want to continue? What new family traditions would you like to create?
- Who is your “hide a dead body” friend? (Note: not necessarily your best friend)
- What three person group would you have the easiest time road tripping across the country with?
- If you were limited to only three groomsmen / bridesmaids who would they be?
- What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you? What is the unluckiest thing that has happened to you?
- Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?
- Do you think you would be good at surviving through a zombie apocalypse?
- Do you think you spend more or less time in front of a mirror than the average person?
- In a “Freaky Friday” situation where you woke up in someone else’s body, who would you like to be for a day and have them inhabit your body?
- What was your sexual awakening?
- Do you think you are an above or below average dancer? Do you think you are an above or below average singer?
- What is your favorite free activity?
- What is something that gets cooler/more interesting the more you learn about it?
- If you could only save one item in a house fire what would it be?
- Generally speaking, are you someone who lives more in the past, present, or future?
- In what way do you consider yourself unique? (You can’t opt out by saying you aren’t unique)
- What stereotype fits you best?
- What is the biggest gap in your knowledge when it comes to politics?
- What is your favorite conspiracy theory?
- If you could live in a fictional universe, which one would you choose?
- What is one thing that instantly makes your day better?
- What do you regret not sticking to or starting when you were younger?
- What’s something an outsider wouldn’t understand about your job or industry?
- What is your favorite thing about your current job / career?
- If you could do it all over again, would you pursue the same career? Why or why not?
- What is the best piece of advice you’ve received? What is the worst advice you’ve received?
- What is your love language? Do you think about love languages when you are in a relationship or are they not something you place a lot of value on?
- What is the biggest risk you ever took?
- If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
- What is your definition of success in your own life?
- Would you say that you have a “happy place?” If so, where is it?
- What is a life lesson would you say you had to learn the hard way?
- What is your highest priority in life?
- What is the worst argument you’ve ever been in?
- What is the biggest lesson you have learned so far this year?
- What lesson have you had to learn again and again?
- What was the best year of your life? The worst?
- What is your biggest non-academic, non work-related accomplishment? What is your biggest academic or work-related accomplishment?
- Imagine that you could choose when and how you die. At what age would you like to die (no maximum here) and how would you like to go?
- Have you ever desired or longed for something, but once you got it, discovered it was overrated or not what you expected?
- How many times has your heart been broken?
- How do you think you will be similar to your parents in raising a family? How do you think you will be different?
- Who of your family would you say knows / understands you the best?
- What family story does your family repeat the most (i.e. what is your family’s greatest hit)?
- What is your favorite household chore? What is your least favorite?
- What was your favorite subject in school?
- Of all your exes, who do you have the most positive feelings towards?
- What is your favorite purchase you have made in the last year?
- What is your favorite board game?
- If you had to pick one friend to make all your decisions for you, who would it be?
- What’s the first thing you look for in a partner and/or friend?
- If you could have one mystery solved which would you choose?
- What is the best picture ever taken of you?
- What is the most underrated holiday?
- What was the most physical pain you have ever been in?
- What is at the top of your bucket list?
- What is your favorite way to waste time?
- What do you do on your commute to/from work?
- What is the weirdest thing you do when you’re alone?
- Have you ever been told that you have a doppelgänger? If so, who is it?
- What is the “strangest” thing you believe in? Do you believe in the supernatural? Heaven, angels, ghosts? Luck, fate, magic? Mind reading, lizard people, the Illuminati? Where do you draw the line of belief and disbelief?
- Have you ever won an award?
- What do you know isn’t real, but want badly to actually exist?
- If you could send high school you a one sentence message from current you (ten words max) what would it say?
- Looking back, what one skill do you wish you had spent more time honing in while you were growing up?
- What was your most impactful experience in high school? College?
- If you could make one unhealthy food healthy, which would you pick?
- How do you prefer to exercise?
- What aspect of health is easiest to you? Most difficult?
- What injury or ailment has had the largest effect on your body?
- What do you wish you had focused on more for the past ten years as it relates to health?
- What is something money related that you’re embarrassed to admit you don’t fully understand? (e.g. taxes, investments, mortgages, etc)
- What expensive thing is absolutely worth the money?
- What is your most irrational fear?
- What is your relationship with pain?
- How competitive are you generally? Who do you feel the most competitive with? What do you feel the most competitive about?
- Describe yourself in three words.
- Do you like to make plans ahead of time or do you do things more spontaneously?
- When and where do you get your best ideas?
- What is the first thing you hope people notice about you?
- What scares you the most about the country you live in?
- If you could only keep three apps on your phone, which would you keep? (Pre-loaded apps like Messages / FaceTime / calendars do not count towards your three).
- What was the last thing you read?
- Which fictional character do you relate to most?
- How active would you say you are on social media? How do you approach social media consumption in your life?
- How do your beliefs inform your day to day life?
- What has changed the most about your beliefs in the last five years?
- On a scale of 1-10, how superstitious are you?
- What has changed the most about your palette in the last ten years?
- What relationship dynamic from ten years ago do you miss the most?
- In your opinion, what travel destination is most overrated?
- Generally speaking, do you derive more satisfaction from an adventurous vacation or a relaxing vacation?
- How important is the idea of “seeing the world” to you personally?
- What do you hope people would highlight about you at your funeral?
- Under what circumstances would you consider adoption?
- What do you think makes someone a “good person”?
- What is the worst song you absolutely love?