Icebreaker Questions

Nervous about meeting someone new? These questions will help get healthy conversations started without the awkward pauses.

  1. What is the most trivial thing about which you have a strong opinion?
  2. If you woke up in the body of someone of the opposite gender, what would you be interested to find out or do?
  3. What is your favorite activity that doesn’t cost any money?
  4. What group size are you most at ease in?
  5. What is something you really resent having to pay for?
  6. What is your best trivia category?
  7. How do you think you will be similar to your parents in raising a family?
  8. What do you like most about your family?
  9. Which household chore do you hate the most? Which do you like the most?
  10. Do you think you would perform better than average or worse than the average person in the Hunger Games?
  11. How good are you at getting out of traffic tickets?
  12. What do you think you are much better at than you actually are?
  13. What do you enjoy spending money on? What is the most painful thing for you to spend money on?
  14. How athletic are you on a scale of 1-10?
  15. If you had to teach at a university, what course would you most enjoy teaching?
  16. What career advice would you give to your younger self?
  17. What is your most controversial dating opinion?
  18. How has your opinion of your family changed over the years?
  19. What is your favorite weekday?
  20. If you were a cartoon character, what would you one outfit be?
  21. What is your favorite conspiracy theory? Where do you fall on the spectrum of thinking there’s some truth in it to just thinking it’s interesting?
  22. What life topic do you know embarrassingly little about (e.g. how taxes work, how weather works, etc)?
  23. If you could use a time machine, would you rather have one that only goes back in time or only goes forward?
  24. Describe your perfect day. Option 1) You are restrained to 24 hours, but you can transport yourself to anywhere in the world. Option 2) Your realistic perfect 24 hours.
  25. What is the most useless talent or skill you possess? How and why did you learn it?
  26. At a party, where can someone find you?
  27. What game show / reality TV show would you do best on?
  28. If you had to award yourself a superlative in high school what would it be?
  29. If you could make one unhealthy food healthy which would you pick?
  30. Do you have a premonition as to how you’ll die?
  31. If you had unlimited money to put towards your health, what changes would you make today?
  32. How much would someone have to pay you to be a long distance trucker for one year?
  33. What purchase that you made in the last year had the most outsized return?
  34. What is something that is not considered a luxury but you don’t think you could live without?
  35. How often do you buy clothes?
  36. How do you feel about personality tests / frameworks? What personality profile test do you believe in most (e.g. Meyers Briggs, enneagram, etc?
  37. In what ways are you older than your age? In what ways are you younger than your age?
  38. What is the first thing you do after getting home from a trip?
  39. What about life 100 years ago appeals most to you?
  40. If you could be a part of any TV family which would you choose?
  41. Which Winter (or Summer) Olympics event do you think you’d have the best chance at competing in?
  42. What do you think you do better than 90% of people?
  43. What profession do you think you would be the least happy in?
  44. If you had to attend a college different than the one you did, where would you choose to have enrolled?
  45. If you lived in a colonial or Medieval village, what would your job be?
  46. What is the most recent thing (skill, technique, theory, subject, etc.) you taught yourself?
  47. What is something that makes a person instantly unattractive to you? Attractive to you?
  48. What is your favorite physical attribute you inherited from your parents?
  49. Who in your family makes you feel the safest?
  50. What commercial can you absolutely not stand?
  51. If you had to get a tattoo tonight what would it be and where?
  52. If you had to change your first name to something what would it be?
  53. What is your best trivia category?
  54. What would be the worst way to die for you personally?
  55. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
  56. If you had to cast someone to play you in a movie, who do you think would do the best job?
  57. What was your best Halloween costume?
  58. If you could switch lives with any one person for one day, who would you choose?
  59. Do you have any strong feelings or opinions about astrology?
  60. What is your go-to midnight snack?
  61. What are you most likely to be arrested for (even if you don’t do anything illegal—what crime do you think you’re most likely to commit)?
  62. When did you peak (or when do you think you will peak)?
  63. If you could develop any one athletic skill overnight what would it be?
  64. How good are you at getting the full value out of clothing you buy?
  65. If you had to start living anywhere but the state (or country) you live in today and you had to stay in this new place for one year, where would you choose to go?
  66. What is the most memorable gift you have been given in your life?
  67. Would you rather never have to sleep or never have to go to the bathroom?
  68. What is your happiest memory from the past year?
  69. What do you think is your best emotional quality? What do you think is your best physical attribute?
  70. What is your favorite part of your daily routine?
  71. What movie do you wish you could watch again for the first time?
  72. To what extent do you judge people based on the type of media they consume (e.g. music, books, TV, etc)? Be honest…
  73. Which TV or movie character are you most similar to?
  74. How good looking are you on a scale of 1-10?
  75. How driven are you on a scale of 1-10?
  76. What is something you’ve done / felt / seen / etc that you wish you could experience again for the first time?
  77. What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you? What is the unluckiest thing that has happened to you?
  78. In a “Freaky Friday” situation where you woke up in someone else’s body, who would you like to be for a day and have them inhabit your body?
  79. What is one thing that instantly makes your day better?
  80. What do you regret not sticking to or starting when you were younger?
  81. Would you change anything about your first kiss?
  82. Do (or did) you tend to date people who are more similar or different to you?
  83. What are the most important qualities in potential partners?
  84. What is your favorite website or social media account?
  85. What is your favorite app?
  86. What board game (or game generally) are you the worst at?
  87. If you could punch any celebrity in the face, who would it be?
  88. If you could ask one question about your future life and get an answer what would the question be?
  89. What are you convinced people are just pretending to enjoy?
  90. What personal habit / routine are you most proud of? What habit / routine are you most ashamed of? (Be honest)
  91. Do you respect morning people more than late night people?
  92. What is your most prized possession?
  93. What is your most nostalgic meal?
  94. How have your interests / hobbies developed or changed with age?
  95. How many pairs of shoes is too many to own? At what point does it become excessive?
  96. If you could only wear one brand of clothing or shop at one store for the rest of your life which would it be?
  97. What would you collect if money weren’t an object?
  98. What would be the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery?
  99. What’s your favorite article of clothing you own?
  100. What should be taught in schools but isn’t?
  101. What non-politician would you like to be president?
  102. How do you approach consuming news / current events?
  103. What is the worst ad of all time?
  104. If you had to pick one friend to make all your decisions for you, who would it be?
  105. If you could have one mystery solved which would you choose?
  106. What is the worst song you absolutely love?